Fears in a Hat

  1. Scared of the dark. We discussed how many things we are scared of in general often take place in the dark. Solution- always be with a buddy! Use a flashlight!
  2. Scared of letting people down (failing). We discussed the pressure we faced while growing up and the pressure we still feel to live up to other people’s standards. Solution: don’t worry about what others think. Follow your heart!
  3. Scared of hunger (SNAP challenge). We discussed how many people in the world have to face this fear on a daily basis. We decided that SNAP challenge might actually help get over this fear.
  4. Fear of drowning. We discussed how awful it would be to drowning… Solution: learn to swim, have a buddy, don’t panic.
  5. Someone breaking into house. We discussed whether the book In Cold Blood affected her fear. And we decided yes. Our solution was to always lock the door, and have a gun or bat by the bed.

Group Goal

Group Goal: As a group, learn more about the social issues that affect us all by going out to the society and carefully observing what is really going on. We will strive to come together as a unit and support one another as we work and reflect on our experiences in and out of the classroom. Having this goal will help each individual in our group to truly learn and start caring from their hearts about the harmful social issues that are prevalent in Richmond.





Activity: Team Building Exercises

Kyong: Heads up

Directions – One person holds a word on top of his head that he/she does not know of, and the team members choose a single motion to describe the word to him without talking. The objective is for the person to get the correct answer in less than 30 seconds. In order to do that, the team members must collaborate and decide on the best single motion.

Proposed results – I think the person will get the answer. The team members will collaborate and choose the best motion and complete the mission successfully.

Results/Learning – Kyong was chosen to guess the word. The other members picked the word skiing. And the motion they chose was moving their hands like you’d do while skiing. Kyong answered the correct answer in 10 seconds! The team members learned to collaborate while they were deciding the best motion. One team member had to give up their motion, because the other team members thought another motion was more suitable.

Kenny: Human Knot

Directions – Standing in a circle, group members reach across and shake hands – use hand connecting to a different person. The group then tries to unravel the “human knot” by unthreading their bodies without letting go of each other people’s hands.

Results/Learning – helps a group learn about  how to work together. Can also focus on group understanding of communication, leadership, problem solving, teamwork, trust, persistence, etc.

Citation: http://www.wilderdom.com/games/descriptions/HumanKnot.html

Vivian: Back-to-Back Drawing

Directions – Give one person in each pair a picture of a shape,and give the other person a pencil and pad of paper. Ask the people holding the pictures to give verbal instructions to their partners on how to draw the shape – without actually telling the partners what the shape is.

Results/Learning – Improving communication, problem solving

Citation – http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMM_52.htm

Jack: The Floor is Lava


Directions – We must work as a team to escape the fiery depths and get from point A to B without touching the lava floor…

Results/Learning –  We lost Kyong. However, he will remain in our hearts forever. Mourning his loss has brought our group very close.

Maddie: Pictionary

Directions – Draw something random without giving the group any hints. The group has to guess what is being drawn in under 30 seconds. We hope that this game will encourage teamwork and communication.

Results/Learning – Kenny guessed “The Lion King” in 15 seconds. The rest of the team members helped to eliminate the other possibilities. The team got the answer faster than expected, which was a good thing!

Activity: 5 Random Questions

If you could be any animal, what would you be?

Kyong: Crocodile because I like to bite.

Kenny: Wants to be a shark because he likes sushi.

Vivian: Canary because I love the color yellow and they fly.

Jack: Sea turtle because I’d like to live in Hawaii.

Maddie: Eagle because I’ve always wanted to be able to fly.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?

Kyong: England because I want to see Emma Watson.

Kenny: Finland because I heard it was nice

Vivian: Northern Islands/England because it’s pretty and nice.

Jack: Hawaii because I want to surf and swim.

Maddie: Italy because from the sounds of it, its beautiful and the food is delicious.

If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?

Kyong: Physical control Kenny

Kenny: Mind control Kyong

Vivian: Teleport, because I want to be where I want to be in a blink.

Jack: I want to be spiderman. Because he is spiderman.

Maddie: The ability to fly because you have an aerial view to everything.

Where were you born?

Kyong: Seoul, Korea

Kenny: Los Angeles, California

Vivian: Seoul, South Korea

Jack: Pittsburgh, PA

Maddie: Fairfax, Virginia

What is your perfect pizza?

Kyong: Combination without anchovies.

Kenny: Chicken, Pineapple, Mushroom, Tomatoes, Onion, Green pepper on a thick crust.

Vivian: Chicken, Pineapple, Mushroom, Tomatoes, Onion on a thin crust.

Jack: Buffalo Chicken

Maddie: Thick crust topped with cheese & veggies.